
✨ Women’s Transformational Mentorship Program ✨

A Sacred Journey through the Chakras
to Embody, Empower, & Express Her Feminine Wisdom
by coming Home to Her Body, Breath, Voice, and Heart
to live in aligned Co-Creation of all that is in service to Love

4-Month Program
High-Touch ✨ High-Activation ✨ High-Creation
With a combination of both In-Studio & Virtual Sessions
OR a Full Virtual Experience

Next Cohort ~ SPRING 2025
EMAIL ME HERE to be Notified when the Application Process Opens for Spring 2025

It’s time women. To reclaim your body, your power, you divine inner knowing. To tune in and listen to what lives and breathes within you. To trust what you feel and honor what you know. For You are a Creatress… here with visions, dreams, and heart-centered desires ready to birth through you to create a life of purpose, passion, and service to this world.

In this Transformational Mentorship Program we will journey into the innate wisdom of your body, breath, voice, and heart, through the Seven Chakras 🌈 (energy centers), to heal, feel, and know more of who you truly are. We will be activating your creative power to be in conscious co-creation ~ designing your life with loving intention and aligned action.

Honoring all parts of you… your light, and your shadow, we will release that which no longer serves...
the fear, doubt, worry, and stress… the shame, guilt, and unworthiness…
clearing the default patterns that have us tethered to old programs of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors which keep us stuck, blocked, and disconnected from our Source.

As we Release, we Reclaim… our power, our beauty, our wisdom, and our truth.
Embodying the Divine Goddess of Creation (Creatress) within,
who is here to create magic and birth forth more beauty and love into this World.

As a Creatress, you will be guided back into your Body. A relationship many of us women have not been shown how to be with… tend to, nurture, and honor. Our bodies (the soma) hold so much of our potential, medicine, and magic… and also hold so much of our story, life experiences, stresses, and traumas; which if not processed and expressed from the body can create tension, pain, and dis-ease… limiting us from our joy, our dreams, and the life we so desire. But it doesn’t have to. Our Bodies are incredibly wise, they know how to heal… how to release the old stories, limiting beliefs, and behavior patterns that have kept us stuck, lost, and blocked. When we clear these energies from our bodies, we become more clear in our knowing. Rewriting the story, realigning our beliefs, and choosing new behaviors. We create space to embody more of our Divine Essence, receive more of our Soul Guidance, and step into our Divine Purpose.

We become Conscious Co-Creators of our lives.
We Become the Women we are here to truly and fully Be.
An Embodiment of the Goddess ~ the Divine Feminine.
A Creatress of Love, Beauty, Connection, Abundance, and Freedom.

This is Her Journey ~ Your Journey. The Journey of the Creatress.

This Program encompasses a series of sacred Ceremonies and Integration Sessions to experience, embody, and integrate the powerful inner-healing work, new found awareness, and beautiful breakthroughs that come through our time together. In addition to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, we will journey in to Seven Chakra Ceremonies for Healing and Expansion ✨

Within these Ceremonies we will experience various inner-healing, trauma releasing, emotional processing, nervous system regulating, self-soothing and nurturing practices, and love embodiment rituals to connect us deeper into our truth, into our knowing, into our bodies and into our hearts to embody more of our Soul’s wisdom and guidance.

Practices and Rituals include (but are not limited to):
Grounding work, Meditations, Voice and Sound Healing Activations through Chakra Chanting and Mudras,
Yoga and Intuitive Body Movement, Core Stress & Trauma Release ~ Conscious Body Tremoring,
Somatic Breathwork, Heart Opening Expression, Divine Feminine Embodiment, and Sisterhood. 
Offering you tools, practices, and rituals to weave into your daily life to honor the Sacredness of Life and your Heart.

This Program will journey into the Seven Chakras (energy centers) 🌈 offering energetic themes to guide us in to explore, discover, and feel more of who we truly are… bringing more awareness, healing, embodiment, and expansion to these parts of our Beings and our Lives.

Opening Ceremony 🌹 She is Ready
Connecting into Sisterhood, Creating the Container, Honoring the Intention
as We Begin the Journey, Together.

Root Chakra ❤️ She is Supported
Connecting and Grounding into Earth… and into your Physical Body.

Sacral Chakra 🧡 She is Creation
Connecting to your Womb, Creativity, and Sensual Sexual Nature… and into your Emotional Body.

Solar Plexus 💛 She is Powerful
Connecting to your Inner Light, Confidence, and Purpose… your Power Body.

Heart Chakra 💚 She is Love
Connecting to your Heart Center and Heart Wisdom… your Love Body.

Throat Chakra 💙 She is Expressive
Connecting to your Voice of Truth… your Body of Sacred Expression.

Third Eye Chakra 💜 She is Wise
Connecting to your Third Eye, and your ability to Dream, Imagine, and Envision… your Intuitive Body.

Crown Chakra 💟 She is Divine
Connecting to your Crown, your unique connection with Spirit/Source and the Universe… your Divine Body.

Closing Ceremony 🦋 She is a Creatress
Ceremony to Honor Her and Her Journey of Co-Creation from Her Heart & Soul.
And the Sisterhood who has loved Her and Journeyed with Her through.

Who is this Program for?

This is for the woman who feels the call, the deep desire to come Home to Herself, so she may know Her True Self, to elevate and evolve to the Woman she is here to Become. She desires to connect to the parts of her that have been lost and forgotten or which feel distant and unknown. She feels disconnected within her own being, often doubting herself, because she doesn’t yet trust herself. She has turned to the outside world to soothe and heal her, and yet she is still not well. She is unfulfilled. And she is tired. Tired of the struggle, the inner battle, the heartache and pain. She feels stuck. And she knows that staying where she is is no longer a choice. She knows there’s more to her, more within her, and she’s ready to journey in… to explore and discover more of who she truly is… reclaiming her Inner Healer, her Wise Woman, her Wild Free Nature, her Divine Intuitive Soul, and her manifesting ability to co-create a Beautiful Fullfiling Purposeful Life. She is here, and she has the answers to what she has been searching for and who she longs to be. It’s all right here within Her… waiting for Her to Remember, Reclaim, and come Home to Her Body and Her Soul, to Create a Life living her Biggest Dreams and Deepest Desires.

Whether you are in transition, amongst change, or feeling the call to be in relationship with yourself and your Divine Feminine essence in a new and deeper way, this Program will be a guidance system inviting you into the magic and medicine within Your very own Body, Breath, Voice, and Heart so you may Embody more of your Soul Essence, and Empower yourself to be in your full Expression stepping forward in your life in Aligned Intention with more Purpose, Passion, and Grace. It is here we have the potential to create Magic and Beauty in all aspects of ourselves and our life.

What will I receive through this Program?

As you step into this Program, you are stepping into your Self, choosing to trust the Inner Calling, the Deep Inner Knowing that is guiding you Here, Now. This intentional step of saying Yes will open the portal of Transformation ~ where you will grow and evolve from who you thought you were… to who you will become ~ the Woman you are Here to Be. Taking sacred action to co-create the life you so desire.

You will be held, supported, and guided as you Journey into the beautiful realms of your Inner Being, as You explore what is here for You to discover… experiencing parts of yourself healing, remembering, and awakening to your Divine Essence. From this open expansive space, you become a conscious co-creator of your life, manifesting your dreams through the embodiment of divine love.

In this Program I guide you with the wisdom of my journey in holistic wellness coaching, yoga therapy, breathwork healing, leading of women’s circles and programs, and inner-healing work, along with my personal life experience, spiritual journey, and Soul Purpose, in my role as a Mentor ~ a loving guide for you and this group of women dancing with the sacredness of the Divine Feminine. My intention is for you to connect, feel, and experience the incredible power within you as you step into the potential of who you are and why you are here. I will be here beside you to empower you to take aligned action within your life, and create a loving and nurturing relationship with yourself where you know what love truly is deep within your own inner-being while reflecting this love back out into the world from a centered, grounded, and abundant space. It is within this depth of love we remember the potential of our beings and know that anything is truly possible.

In this Program you will be held within a sacred container, amongst an intimate community of women who are here to journey with you, feeling what sisterhood means and is, and healing the parts of us that have kept us separate and afraid of being together in these ways. You will learn and experience powerful therapeutic practices and nourishing rituals that will bring you back into your body, and into your heart, to feel and know your own inner wisdom, power, and divine potential. You will become aware of and work through self-limiting thoughts and beliefs as we dive into the shadow ~ the parts of us that we may have avoided but hold our greatest opportunities for healing and growth. You will be guided to access and experience your own medicine and magic as you trust and surrender into greater and deeper realms of love within yourself. Through new awareness, deep inner-healing, and beautiful expansion, comes your incredible transformation. You get to transform… from limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your life, to an expanded wise woman knowing more of her true self and embodying more of her wisdom. You are an incredibly powerful woman who is here to heal, create, and express herself… bringing forth more beauty, love, and wisdom into this world. You are here on purpose, and with great purpose. Confident and trusting in your knowing and your self. Let your heart feel that potential. That truth. Close your eyes, breathe, and feel it come ALIVE within you. ✨

What is the Investment for this Program?

This depth of work and level of healing is priceless. It’s powerful beautiful work. And yet, there is an exchange we honor to journey into this work ~ in this way ~ together… in the intimate space, within the guidance, container, and sanctitude of this Program… for the four months of our sacred journey. For what will truly be life changing. This program is an Investment in Yourself and Your Life. You Are Worthy. You my love, must first declare this for yourself, before the Universe can respond and reflect it back to you tenfold. ✨

I believe the mind can easily distract us from what we know and feel in our heart. Especially if we make quick decisions from our self-limiting beliefs, including our fear and lack programs, verse our heart wisdom and truth. Let’s support the possibility of you stepping in to your Yes. (this is actually part of our work in the Program). ✨

If you feel the call, I invite you to let yourself explore the possibility. You may be surprised how supported you are in your YES ❤️
*(I offer payment plans:)

**Special Rate for those that have been through the Program or any of the variations of the Women’s Chakra Series before.

Testimonials 🦋

Women from the Spring 2023 Cohort:

“There aren’t magical enough words to describe the power of the Creatress – the rich programming, the beautiful connections, the deep transformation through body, heart, and soul. What feels like a deep exploration also goes by in a blink, and you will wish it wasn’t ending. Each week is a both new, and additive – full of practices and exploration that became a new part of your spiritual hygiene, and a new way to connect to yourself. You quickly realize how much you look forward to this sacred time. You are learning, shedding, growing, and releasing all at the same time, and you feel a layer peel back each and every week. Core to the program is that Lindsey is a profoundly embodied Creatress whose ability to develop a space for healing and expression, is unique. Her studio and her grace will allow you to go deeper, yell louder, shake harder, breathe lighter, receive bigger, and flow wilder. You will feel held, received, and welcomed in the truest expression of yourself.  The program gets better every year, and I can’t wait to see where it’s going next. Best investment I’ve made in myself.” ~ Lisa

“This program has helped me become more embodied and empowered in my life. I feel like I am finally finding peace in all aspects in my life and the relationships around me. It has not only helped me with the relationship with myself but with my friends and partner. I feel like I am all around a better person because I have a better understanding of who I am. I am forever grateful for this experience I was able to have.” ~ Sarena

“This program is the cocoon I needed to birth me into a butterfly. A labor of sorts, sitting with the invitation to feel and dive into the depths of my pain and but also the liberation of my greatest dreams, pleasure and joy.” ~ Devon

“The Creatress Program was a powerful invitation for me to come back home to myself. Past conditioning and life experiences were inhibiting me in ways I didn't even realize or understand. Before the program, I felt like I was holding my breath. Over the course of peeling back layers, exploring all parts of myself, and being in the nurturing container that Lindsey and the other women helped create, I was finally able to breathe again. I was able to heal parts of myself I didn't realize were wounded and explore the possibilities that lie within my body, my heart and my breath. Thank you and I love you <3” ~ Sarah

Women from the Fall 2022 Cohort:

"This program has had a profound impact on my life. It’s like I’ve finally been shown the way and given the tools to change patterns in my life and to connect to who I am. And to feel that support and love and vulnerability amongst women is a beautiful experience. … To think back on who I was on that discovery call and what my life was like—it feels like I was a totally different person. I know I could not have done this without you or this program. Everything was so perfect I wouldn’t change a thing. Thank you for all that you do 💗 I love you 💗”
~ Shana

"The women’s mentorship program is a sacred union of willing participants who wish to explore the depths of their being. Guided by expert facilitation. A place to connect, belong, and breathe through challenges tugging at each chakra. The program is transformational and a reminder to love all of who you are and the importance of daily practices to continue to foster your growth as a spiritual being with a divine purpose. It has served all of me well.” -Dr. Adrian Fletcher, Human First-Psychologist Second.

"Endless amounts of gratitude for Lindsey and her Women's Mentorship Program. This program has been a unique, safe and supportive space in which to connect to my spiritual being. Such a beautiful community of women showing up for themselves, doing the work, and expanding in their ability to love who they are and who they are becoming." ~Samantha

“I realize my intuition was right all along and the visions I’ve had are starting to play out in my life. I feel at peace with my life and the wisdom I have to offer from my experiences. Lindsey, I thought you very loving, patient, and confident. I always feel safe in your studio, and you have a way of make others feel at ease. For me personally, it was so healing because I was allowed to cry, scream, sing, vent my feelings, share my dreams, howl at the moon, and feel completely and totally supported. But the best part is the breathwork assists in clearing out trauma from the body. You have to get it out and be free from it! I think what you’re doing is fascinating and healing. You allow people to be themselves, which I think is pretty amazing in the world we live in today” ~Shelbi

Women from the Spring 2022 Cohort:

“This program is life-altering.  It allowed me a connection back to myself, in learning to allow myself the space and the time to nurture my own spirit.  I came into this program with a lot of anxiety – but the yes felt strong and sure.  The roots of my anxiety ran deep, but through this program I was able to gradually release myself, understand where and how my anxiety had taken root, realize when my anxiety was taking over, and then make conscious choices about how to walk forward in a gentler way.  The safe and sacred space that Lindsey holds for each person creates such a loving environment where she guides you back to you.  I continue to use the practices daily – where they’ve allowed me to be more present, less reactive, and feel more connected to myself, my family, my soul energy and this earth.  If you even feel a hint of yes for this program, dive in.  This program is magic – if only you are open to receive it. I’m so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to participate in this program – and will continue to practice what I’ve learned, with the goal of these practices being woven into my being.” ~ Lisa

“I came into Lindsey's Homecoming Program with a primary goal of feeling and being more connected - to myself, to purpose, to higher power, to others. Lindsey's practices and guidance are gentle and deeply personal. A key learning I've come to know over the course of the program is that all answers are within us and when taking the time to nourish ourselves and feel more deeply, that knowing becomes more clear. I'm finding myself tuning in much more to when I feel in alignment and when I don't – when I’m tense and holding my breath - when I’m feeling frustrated or impatient - and when those feelings may not even be my own. My awareness is greater and resistance is less – especially around allowing emotions to move through. It’s a continual practice and on a much more frequent basis now I let my heart feel and release (for me focusing on my heart specifically has been helpful). I now have the tools that help me stay in that alignment more often with a greater sense of presence and calm. Given it is such a practice, and it takes time, I very much appreciated the format and length of this supportive program. The group dynamic was also such a helpful and enjoyable part of the journey as we experience each other gain insights, it often sparks our own. As for Lindsey, I can't say enough about this beautiful, authentic soul. She's deeply knowledgeable yet so patient and skilled at empowering each person to find their own answers. Her approach and the practices she integrates are so thoughtful and intentional, even subtle at times… and they're all designed as supportive tools throughout the program and far beyond.” ~Julie H.

Additional Client Shares & Testimonials from the Women’s Chakra Series (before its evolution to the Mentorship Program), along with other Breathwork and Client Sessions can be found ❤️ HERE ❤️